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My scientific research focuses on how the brain is able to untangle the incredibly complicated and variable speech signal to arrive at meaning. I use a variety of methods (e.g., functional neuroimaging, transcranial magnetic stimulation, eyetracking, pupillometry, and behavior) to piece together how our brains are able to perceive speech. Find my CV here.


Published Papers

Vaughn, C., Mechtenberg, H., Contreras, J., (2024). The Language Science Station at Planet Word: A Language Research and Engagement Laboratory at a Language Museum. Linguistics Vanguard.


Mechtenberg, H., Heffner, C. C., Myers, E.B., Guediche, S. (2023). The cerebellum is sensitive to the lexical properties of words during spoken language comprehension. Neurobiology of Language.


Mechtenberg, H., Giorio, C.,  & Myers, E. B. (2023). Pupil dilation reflects perceptual priorities during a continuous speech task. Ear and Hearing. DOI: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000001438


Luthra, S., Mechtenberg, H., Giorio, C.,  Theodore, R. M., Magnuson, J. S., & Myers, E. B. (2023). Using TMS to evaluate a casual role for posterior temporal cortex in talker-specific phonetic processing. Brain and Language.


Heffner, C. C., Fuhrmeister, P., Luthra, S., Mechtenberg, H., Saltzman, D., & Myers, E. B. (2022). Reliability for perceptual flexibility in speech: Identification, learning, and adaptation. Brain and Language, 226, 105070.


Mechtenberg, H., Xie, X., Myers, E.B. (2021). Semantic predictability modulates cortical sensitivity to phonetic ambiguity. Brain and Language, 218, 104959.


Luthra, S., Mechtenberg, H., Xie, X., Myers, E.B. (2021). Perceptual learning of multiple talkers requires additional exposure. Action, Attention, & Psychophysics, 83(5) 2217-2228.

Selected Recent Presentations

Science Communication as a Scientist, Consumer, and Producer. Guest lecture. University of Connecticut, PSYC 1100; General Psychology I. Spring 2024.


Mechtenberg, H., Reilly, J., Peelle, J., Myers, E.B. (November 2024). Topic shifts modulate language network activity during continuous speech perception. Poster presented at the 2024 meeting for the Psychonomic Society, New York City, New York.


Mechtenberg, H. (July 2023). The Language Science Station at Planet Word: A Language Research and Engagement Laboratory at a Language Museum. Poster presented at the 2023 Flagship for Communicating Science for Graduate Students Workshop, Boston, Massachusetts.


Mechtenberg, H., Heffner C.C., Myers, E.B., & Guediche, S. (October 2022). Cerebellar role in lexical processing during continuous speech perception. Poster presented at the 2022 meeting for the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


​Mechtenberg, H., Luthra, S., & Myers, E.B., (May 2022). Cents and Shenshibility: The role of reward in talker-specific phonetic recalibration. Poster presented at the Spring 2022 meeting for the Acoustical Society of America, Denver, Colorado.

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